Creative writers are unique when it comes to how we use apps, Ive observed. We rarely work during specific hours or even at a specific location. Unlike a mathematician with a calculator for example, the app is not part of the process but merely a way to record the process. Only a few years ago standard formats were important (like Word or Final Draft, for example) but no more. Today almost any app can be used and as new ones are created and old ones evolve, people can and do, look for better solutions and try new writing apps.
Also, unlike students and other careers where documents tend to pertain to specific projects, creative writers are constantly jotting down random story ideas and bits of dialogue on hold, waiting for a project.
A problem for many but especially creative writers is that we end up with documents all over the place, in various word processors, audio recorders, clouds and hard drives. We even still scribble on napkins despite a device in every pocket (at least now we can scan the napkins to cloud). This is where Notebook comes in. Its the best app I have found for gathering everything in one location. Everything you write on your Mac, iPhone or iPad (no matter what app you used) can be accessed in one place. Brilliant!
shutyourpiehole about Notebooks 8